
Unlock access to global experts and build your international business with confidence


Use the Growth Plan when your project is pursuing big milestones (new markets, funding rounds, etc.) and switch to a Maintenance Plan when you need to keep things ticking over.

Growth Plan
Maintenance Plan
Growth Plan
Growth plan
$1099 /month
  • Get full access to all services available from our service provider network spanning 20+ countries (get full access to all add-ons)

    Choose from add-ons to help with fundraising, launching a token, product, protocol, DAO, and many other use cases.
  • Submit an unlimited number of legal requests concerning your next big business milestone

    Easily request help for your individual tasks and queries by sending a message or setting up a call with your VLO.
  • For every request you submit, receive the best
 global legal options with time and cost estimates

    We'll assess each request and suggest the best course of action with help from our global team of experts.
  • 1 Legal Roadmap per project

    Build your Legal Roadmap (also called your Legal Structuring Options Document) to help you pin down your legal options and best route forward.
  • 2 sessions / month to review and update your Legal Roadmap

    Have 2 sessions with experts to build your Legal Roadmap in the first month. Have 2 sessions / month with experts thereafter to optimize your Legal Roadmap to your business needs.
  • 1 dedicated Virtual Legal Officer who manages everything

    You'll be assigned a Virtual Legal Officer who provides legal project management support, quality-checks each deliverable and handles all communications with your global team.
  • 2 updates / week on active Legal Projects

    Your VLO will proactively keep you informed on task progress.
  • 24-hour VLO response time

    Message your VLO via your Legal Nodes account and get a quick response. Ask them about general task queries and next steps. VLOs can provide templates and basic information but do not give legal advice.
Get started
Maintenance Plan
maintenance plan
$499 /month
  • Get access to services relating to company maintenance (get access to maintenance add-ons only)

    Choose from add-ons to help with maintenance of IP, accounting, tax filings and other company needs when you just need support of operating/admin matters of your existing entities and don't need to create the new ones.
  • Submit an unlimited number of legal requests concerning ongoing maintenance matters

    Easily request help for your individual tasks and queries by sending a message or setting up a call with your VLO.
  • Receive the best legal options worldwide for each request you submit, with time and cost estimates

    We'll assess each request and suggest the best course of action with help from our global team of experts.
  • 1 Legal Roadmap per project

    Build your Legal Roadmap (also called your Legal Structuring Options Document) to have an overview of your legal structure and key maintenance tasks to achieve
  • 1 dedicated Virtual Legal Officer who manages everything

    You'll be assigned a Virtual Legal Officer who provides legal project management support, quality-checks each deliverable and handles all communications with your global team.
  • 2 updates / week on active Legal Projects

    Your VLO will proactively keep you informed on task progress.
  • 24-hour VLO response time

    Message your VLO via your Legal Nodes account and get a quick response. Ask them about general task queries and next steps. VLOs can provide templates and basic information but do not give legal advice.
  • Flexible add-on option: access additional add-ons for ad-hoc tasks on a pay as you go basis or upgrade to the Growth Plan

    If you submit a request that falls outside the scope of your plan, we'll suggest the best legal options worldwide for each request. In some instances you can pay as you go for each add-on or we can upgrade you to the Growth Plan for as long as needed.
Get started

We work with

Service agencies


Add-ons are legal, tax, and other services offered by the Legal Nodes Network of experts.

We recommend the best add-ons after a thorough examination of your business's legal needs. Once selected, your add-ons will be managed by your Virtual Legal Officer. The prices listed here are estimates and may vary.

Company registration

Foundation registration



LLC registration


United States

Delaware C-Corp registration


Register legal entities to start hiring team members, kickstart product development, raise initial investments and build a legal wrapper for the DAO

Intellectual property protection
United Kingdom

Industrial design registration


European Union

EU trademark registration


United States

Provisional patent application


Register trademarks, patents, and copyright to protect your project's intellectual property and prepare agreements to transfer intellectual property from contractors or employees to the company

Legal advice
Cayman Islands

Token legal opinion



Business model legal qualification / assessment



Analysis of regulatory requirements for the project


Get legal advice regarding regulatory requirements for launching projects in specific markets, get legal analysis to evaluate the legal status of your business model, and obtain legal opinion to understand the limitations of your token

Accounting & tax analysis
Hong Kong

Consultation on taxation of virtual assets



Personal tax planning for a serial entrepreneur



Corporate taxation analysis for a global business


Obtain detailed tax analysis when choosing tax-friendly jurisdiction for new ventures, figure out tax consequences when moving from one county to another, and calculate tax obligations for transactions of different assets (shares, real estate, virtual assets)

Corporate & venture deals structuring
United States

M&A (exit) deal legal support



Shareholders Agreement preparation with a Round A investor


United Kingdom

Investment term sheet negotiation support


Get legal support during negotiations with venture funds, prepare a cap table and investment agreements (SAFE, ASA, Convertible Note) to raise funds from investors, allocate and structure your option pool to incentivize employees and advisors, get professional legal support for exit / M&A deals to protect your interests

Customer agreements & policies
United States

Legal support for B2B SaaS Agreement negotiation



GDPR-compliant Privacy & Cookie Policies



Terms & Conditions and Refund Policy preparation


Prepare T&Cs for your website or app to start acquiring users, develop Privacy & Cookie Policies to stay compliant with data protection regulations (including GDPR), incorporate sufficient KYC & AML policies and measures for your fintech startup to avoid financial risks, and prepare detailed B2B SaaS / License Agreements to win the best deals in B2B / enterprise sales

All add-ons are available in:
Hong Kong
Cayman Islands
Marshall Islands

Frequently asked questions

Why do I need to subscribe to a plan to get access to legal add-ons?

Our add-ons are one of the many benefits of the Legal Nodes platform. The main value of our Growth Plan is to first help you figure out the best legal options for your business use case. Next, we discuss the best market practices and legal benchmarks for your project with you. Finally, we choose the best service and most suitable add-ons, offered by our service providers, to help you achieve your legal goals. We also help you with the day-to-day management of the legal tasks for your global business. Our plans allow you to access the legal add-ons needed to help your business grow compliantly, across borders, and with the help of some of the best experts in the field.

What will the final price for your services look like with plans and add-ons combined?

If you choose a Growth Plan, you'll be paying a monthly fee of $1099 (or $899/month if paid quarterly). Any add-ons that you choose (add-ons are services from our network of service providers) will be charged on top of your plan fees. The price for add-ons varies and we'll only be able to give you detailed price estimates once we've assessed your unique circumstances. We know this can be frustrating when you're shopping around for prices, so although we can't give you detailed estimates for your unique case, we have provided some general pricing information about various add-ons which you can find on this pricing page.

Pricing for our Maintenance Plan is even lower, with a monthly fee of $499 (or $399/month if paid quarterly). You may occasionally spend a little extra on necessary add-ons to keep things ticking over nicely. The only add-ons available on the Maintenance Plan are for maintenance tasks only. If you need to take on more complex legal projects, speak to us and we’ll upgrade you to the Growth plan.

What works can I expect to be done by my Virtual Legal Officer?

Your Virtual Legal Officer (VLO) can help with all kinds of important tasks, including:

  1. Helping you with general queries about the progress of your tasks and next steps. Please note response times are typically within 2-5 hours, however they can take up to 24 hours depending on time zones.
  2. Project managing your legal tasks, including managing and communicating with the service providers working on your projects.
  3. Quality-checking your deliverables, ensuring each document provided by the service providers meet your requirements and satisfy your business needs.
  4. Providing you with templates for agreements and various other legal documents.
  5. Providing you with answers to general questions (anything that doesn't constitute legal advice), such as "how long will it take to register this IP?" and "which countries offer specific licenses for my project?".
What is the difference between a Virtual Legal Officer and a service provider?

A Virtual Legal Officer (VLO) acts in a legal project management capacity. A service provider will be qualified to provide legal, tax, financial, or other services.

Our Virtual Legal Officers have a mixture of business and legal backgrounds, however they do not provide legal services to you. Instead they assist with general management of your legal projects and help to manage all the various service providers who may be working on your legal projects.

All the service providers that we work with hold the required qualifications in their jurisdiction(s) of practice. We vet each individual service provider before allowing them to join the Legal Nodes Network. Service providers each set their own prices for various different add-ons (services) that they offer. Our VLOs work at a standard rate, determined by Legal Nodes.

Can I pause or stop my subscription after one month or one quarterly payment?

Yes, you can pause your subscription at any time. You'll have access to your account until the end of the billing period that you've paid for.

Are there any fees or additional costs?

No, you only pay for your plan (either Growth Plan or Maintenance Plan) which are subscriptions and you pay for your add-ons. There are no other costs or fees for using Legal Nodes.

You are able to review cost and delivery estimates for each add-on before any work starts. Additionally, you must approve these estimates before any works can begin.

Can I pay in crypto?

Yes, we accept payments in crypto (USDC only).

Can I upgrade my plan after one month or switch between plans anytime?

Yes, you can switch between the plans at any time. Contact our team to change your plan.