Web3 Legal
Webinar Series
Get all the necessary legal knowledge to get your Web3 project up and running, issue tokens, raise funds, and create a DAO.

Getting the right legal information for your Web3 project is hard

Web3 legal is complicated. Founders need to research web3 regulations and choose the most crypto-friendly country for their project.

To help web3 founders, we have combined our experience in Web3 legal structuring with regulatory updates from our network of local legal providers into a free webinar series.
We're sharing an easy-to-digest overview of the latest crypto regulations worldwide and the latest best practices for Web3 project legal structuring.
We've structured our webinars into six topics. You can attend as many as you like.
Each webinar includes a 30 minute talk on the topic, followed by a 15 minutes of Q&A. Disclaimer: please, note these webinars aren't legal advice and are provided for informational purposes only.
#1 DApp Legal Structuring Guide
- Web2 vs Web3 legal structuring for startups
- DApp legal structuring overview
- Off-chain & on-chain legal entities overview
#2 Intellectual Property for DApps
- IP & open source licenses in decentralized blockchain industry
- IP-related legal works when hiring dev team
- Investor requirements for IP protection
#3 Web3 Product Launch Structuring
- Business models & crypto-friendly jurisdictions for Web3 projects
- Legal structuring, regulatory authorizations, and licenses
- Terms & Conditions, Privacy, Cookie & KYC Policies and other legal docs for launch
#4 Token Issuance & Distribution
- Types of tokens, their legal statuses; legally compliant ways of issuance & distribution
- Tokenomics, token cap table
- Token legal opinion preparation, token listing on exchanges & launchpads
#5 Fundraising for Web3 Projects
- Equity capitalization vs token capitalization in Web3
- Private Web3 fundraising legal structuring (SAFTs & Private Token Sale with VCs)
- Public token crowdfunding campaigns legal structuring (ICO, TGE, IDO / IEO)
#6 Legal Structuring of DAO Launch
- Types of DAO (community DAOs vs investment DAOs)
- Designing governance system & drafting a DAO constitution
- Creating a DAO Legal Wrapper (to limit DAO members liability & reinforce compliance)
Meet the speaker: Nestor Dubnevych
Head of Web3 Legal &
Co-founder @ Legal Nodes
- 7+ years of experience consulting blockchain companies on legal matters
- Helped 30+ Web3 startups manage the creation of global legal structures
- Regularly shares his insights on trending and new Web3 legal regulations via the Legal Nodes resource center
- Works with a network of 50+ legal professionals across 10+ countries to bring local crypto-legal knowledge to every client.

I’m not sure if I can make the webinar - should I register?
Yes! Even if you cannot attend, we still encourage you to register for the webinar as all registrants will be sent a live recording after the event and additional useful resources related to that webinar topic, which you can explore on your own.
Our goal is to help every founder
understand this complex space

Nestor have been so helpful in guiding me with my first steps around establishing my Web3 startup legally. It's a very complex space, and it's reassuring having someone so knowledgeable to reach out to.

Shane Neubauer
CEO & Co-founder, Beyond
Watch the Web3 Legal
Webinar Series
Get the right legal information you need, and your questions answered, all in one place.